Technology transfer
Technology transfer plays a relevant role for the growth of companies.
By studying and keeping track of the most recent developments and legal issues in this new area of law, the firm is prepared to advise and assist clients with domain names and e-commerce issues.
Hugo Silva & Maldonado is supported by lawyers experienced in drafting, negotiating and analyzing licensing agreements including:
- Patent and Trademark Licenses
- Copyrights / Software
- Industrial Technology Supply
- R&D Cost-Sharing Agreements
- Franchise Contracts
- Technical and Scientific Assistance Agreements
- Software Development Agreements
- Employer-employee Authorship / Inventorship Agreements
- General Agreements for Technology Transfer
Analysis of agreements
Technology transfer agreements between foreign corporations and Brazilian subsidiaries have been analyzed for recordation in Brazil involving several legal issues, including tax law aspects.
It has also, successfully implemented patent license agreements between European inventors and corporations in Brazil, among others.
As a way to simplify the bureaucracy relative to the delivery by foreign companies and receipt of Brazilian plants of Technical and Scientific Assistance, Brazilian Patent Office published recently a decision that exempts the former requirement to record invoices relative to, among several others:
- purchase procurement including services of logistics (assistance to shipment, administrative tasks related to Customs);
- services performed abroad without the presence of technical staff from the Brazilian company, which do not generate any documents and / or reports;
- preventive maintenance services provided in equipment and / or machinery, of any kind; repair, adjustment, calibration, revision, inspection, refurbishing, recovery services delivered in equipment and / or machinery of any kind;
- assembly supervision, assembly, disassembly, installation, dismantling and operation startup services delivered in equipment and / or machinery;
- product quality certification;
- consultancy in the financial, commercial and legal areas;
- consultancy to participate in bids;
- marketing services;
- remote consultancy, without generation of documents;
- support, maintenance, installation, implementation, integration, cus-tomization, adaptation, certification, migration, configuration, parametrization, translation, localization services for computer programs;
- coaching services to end user or other computer software training;
- license of use and distribution of computer programs (software);
- acquisition of single copy of computer program (software);
- etc.
This official decision stimulates the increase of technology transfer between Brazilian and foreign companies.
This is a positive measure and means a step forward to render easier to remit payments abroad.